Kevin M. Counts

Senior DevOps Data Engineer

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Readline and Fuzzy Finder

In my bioinformatics work, I often find myself maintaining a text file with commands, options, and paths relevant to the tasks I am working on. I have a workflow to yank a selection from this text file into an intermediate file and then use the fc builtin to copy the selection onto my command prompt. This workflow works well but I wanted to improve it even more increasing efficiency. After some experimentation I was inspired by the fzf (Fuzzy Finder) project and it’s use of readline bindings for looking up your shell history.

Fuzzy cd for project dirs

When working between projects, I realize that I almost always repeat the same few tasks including: Typing cd <path> to enter the project directory Typing git fetch or git pull to check/merge any changes upstream Typing <Ctrl>-b , while in tmux to rename the window to the project name By incorporating the wonderful command-line fuzzy finder fzf I wrote a small bash function called cdp to automate these steps.

Fast AI

I came across a great episode while listening to Software Engineering Radio the other day while on my morning walk. Episode 391 features Jeremy Howard from explaining deep learning from concept to implementation. I had heard of before in an Elixir meetup where I met a gentlemen who designs machine learning systems for monitoring people in hospital beds. The system uses visual detection aided by deep learning to alert staff if a patient has fallen from their bed hopefully getting the patient the help they need more quickly.